11 January 2010

Looking Forward in Lust: 2010

It's really easy to talk about what a load crap something is, but can you talk about it swimmingly without looking like a photoshopped celebrity on Perez Hilton except crustier and more realistic. I love The Wire. I think it is one of (if not) the best show ever created for television. If you were the ask me my opinion of it, I would be on you like a dog in heat and you would be creeped out at my ridiculous fervor and be yelling "Lipstick Alert! Lipstick Alert!" as you ran away. The truth is you can't love something without hating it and vice versa. I love and hate television, but you won't find an altar devoted to Omar or catch me wearing a Venture Brothers one-sie. (Well, maybe if they made one in my size or at all.) I don't foam at the mouth for this medium, but I recognize it for more than an expense of advertising real estate. I enjoy it for all its wonderful flaws and periods of amazement. Here is an incomplete list of shows I'm looking forward to in 2010...

1. Lost: I came to this late and have too much personally invested to just abandon it now. I'm pretty sure it isn't all in Hurley's head. It isn't hell...or heaven or...limbo. They aren't all dead. It's not a snow globe from Hawaii where 26 characters go in search of meaning. This isn't Pinter, but thankfully, it isn't Ratner either. I pre-emptively brought serialized content back to primetime and for that, we are grateful. I could go on about my theories, but I feel like it's best if I wait for the new season. For the most part, I've abandoned them all. Season six is a season I look to as a wiping away of all those theories and allow for something new and defined to enter. Without spoiling it for those who haven't watched the end of season 5, I will say that the events that led to its finale leaves it wide open. There is absolutely no way for anyone to have any real idea as to what happens next. Let's just hope they don't cobble it into a cheap epilogue.

2. True Blood: It's my telenovella. Well, one of my stories. The other is Sons of Anarchy which somehow manages to weave melodrama and machismo with success not seen since Oz. What I like about the show is that it doesn't totally wuss up vampires. Sure, they do get wussy from time to time, but you are always reminded how violent and sexual they are. Never has the name "Sookie" sound so dirty. It's like using the word "moist." Soooookie! Moist!

3. Treme: I love The Wire and I thought Generation Kill was outstanding. Do I think this will be an opus on that caliber? I hope so, but who knows. New Orleans has an allure because it's dirty, corrupt and gets up under your skirt, but never forgets its manners. That sounds ironic in an Alanis Morissette kind of way, but whatever. I'll still check it out.

4. Winter Olympics: WTF! Why? Because they have the most ridiculous nonsense sports going on. 1. There's Luge. Dressing up in a condom and going down a track on ice at over 80 miles an hour. 2. Short-Track Speed Skating. Roller Derby on Ice Skates. If only they would dress up in actual roller derby gear. 3. Curling. This is one of those things you come up drunk. In fact, drinking should be made mandatory. IV. BIATHALON. You ski then you shoot at things. Fuck and yes! If only they'd take some of my suggestions like Polar Bear Wrestling, Peeing in the Snow and Snowball Fighting.

5. Jay Leno leaving the 10PM slot: There is a god.

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