14 January 2010

Review: Tosh.0 (1/13/10)

There are plenty of reasons to hate this show. Daniel Tosh is acerbic to a point of being cruel from time to time. His clips aren't always all that current and if he were just reposting it on the internet, fat guys with bad breath and Cheeto-stained fingers would be there to condemn in the span it takes for NBC to come up with another bad decision. On the other hand, Tosh's acerbic wit makes the show fucking hilarious, too. He is the guy you know that would track down the retard that commented "FIRST" in every post and put him in a sleeper hold and let him fall face first on to his on piss-stained front stoop. Yeah, I said "him." You know why? Women are slightly less retarded than men. They don't like your Bevisness. Just fuckin' stop. You are not hitting anything.

What I also love about the show is that it counterbalances the hating with its web redemption portion. Sure, it's still all done for yucks, but it does show that Daniel has some sincere love for the pure ridiculousness of it all. This week, he took David after Dentist and got revenge on David's dad for videoing and posting David tripping his balls off after dental surgery. Serves his dad fucking right, too. How are you ever going to keep trust with your kid if you're willing to fuck him over that publicly? If it was Star Wars Kid's dad that had posted his feats of fury and not some cruel kids at school, would you think SWK would be alive? How annoying is it when people shorten people to just initials? HFC! WTF LOLZ THUNDRCAZHO! (Sorry, I really need to stop doing whip-its at work.)

Where was I? Oh yeah, the show was fucking funny and definitely earned its $340 market share increase. (Though I do not need to see The Blob. (VERY, VERY NSFW))

Overall Grade: On a scale of Aleve to Oxycontin mixed with Dilaudid, this show gets a Darvocet during the day and a Percocet at night.
David After 'David After Dentist'
Web Redemption2 Girls, 1 Cup ReactionDemi Moore Picture


  1. This show is only good in short segments while I am channel surfing. Perfect for my ADD moments.

  2. Yeah, but thankfully, Comedy Central puts in so many commercials, I think they have 3 act breaks in a half-hour.
