12 January 2010

Recap: Heroes "Close to You"

The show has improved. I'll give them credit. Maybe it's the minimization of saving the cheerleader this episode, but it was better. Maybe it's the Hiro and Ando teamup that ends up making some of the best storylines in this series. Maybe it's the addition of T-Bag and a storyline that isn't the usual saving the world from worldwide extinction. Maybe it's the usage of song/album titles that's gotten them a new reinvigorated spirit. I don't know. I don't care. Just keeping fixing it.

Rather then go into the details of the episode, I'm going to go with what I want to see coming up in the show based on this episode.

1. The paradise that Samuel is building is on the GODDAMN MOON. Seriously, why not? It would be totally awesome plus it would give us a reason to blow it up and usher in the age of Thundarr the Barbarian.

2. Hiro becoming a beam of pure energy. He's dying, right? I know they keep bringing this up. You know why? Because for someone who's dying, he's pretty fucking spry lately. So either do something with this storyline, kill him (which would probably kill the show) or cure him (which won't save the show).

3. Angela either dies or joins the Legion of Doom. It's about time she does something other than be a brooding dragon lady. I'm shocked she doesn't carry a clump of 30 yr. old ribbon candy in her purse at all times.

4. Dr. Suresh actually turning into the Hulk. He's got super strength. He doesn't look it. If I were busting through walls and throwing cars, I'm pretty sure I'd be looking pretty buff. Plus, we can then have some sort of Avengers thing going.

5. Parkman starts becomes able to use his powers without turning into David Caruso or better yet, just give him the shades so that he can commit to his Carusoness.

6. HRG/Bennett gets offered a Tony Stark like suit via the CIA and starts forming an Avengers like group. Because right now, it seems like he's just working his way towards Tony Stark, Alcoholic.

This episode was good enough to be a January episode for any other series. But considering the muck that has been the growth of the series, you have to grade it on a curve. Figuring in the handicap, this episode was outstanding and hopeful.

Grade: On a scale of Failing High School French to Mastering the Rosetta Stone or Deciphering the 4th section of Kryptos, this episode is passing your final in Italian II class in college adjusted to keeping up in Russian.

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